Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spore Civilization Stage

The style of society that you choose will change the way your game evolves.

Maxis, makers of The Sims, present the next big bang - SPORE. Create your unique creature and guide it on an epic journey through a universe of your own creations. Play any way you choose in the five evolutionary stages of Spore: Cell, Creature, Tribe, Civilization, and Space. How you play and what you do with your universe is entirely up to you. Spore gives you a variety of powerful yet easy-to-use creation tools so you can create every aspect of your universe: creatures, vehicles, buildings, and even starships.

* CREATE Your Universe from Microscopic to Macrocosmic—From tide pool amoebas to thriving civilizations to intergalactic starships, everything is in your hands.
* EVOLVE Your Creature through Five Stages—It’s survival of the funnest as your choices reverberate through generations and ultimately decide the fate of your civilization.
* EXPLORE Other Players’ Galaxies—Will your creature rule the universe, or will your beloved planet be blasted to smithereens by a superior alien race?
* SHARE with the World—Everything you make is shared with other players and vice versa, providing tons of cool creatures to meet and new places to visit.


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